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Kalotaszegi mellény – 100% nemez



Kalotaszeg vest

100% handmade felt vest with Kalotaszeg patterns.

At the Donna Dúla photo shoot, I wanted to pay attention to ladies who dedicate a part of their lives to supporting their fellow women - whether as a companion to a pregnant woman, birth attendant or doula during the maternity period.

Among the lovely doulas there are unmarried mothers with 2, 3, 4, 5 children. For me, it is very inspiring how many times they can stand at the gate of life. I wanted to bring this power and deep presence to the photos.

Our golden ladies were called the doulas of life. I was looking for modern-day doulas who inspire me with their life and radiance. Randomly, for example with their presence in a yurt, their relationship with pure raw food, or for the kindest light in their eyes. For once I wanted the attention to be on them, because they are the ones who always hold others. Let this quality be an example for us. Let there be soft attention between women instead of malice.

During the designing process, we created timeless pieces that complement each woman's wonderful shapes with their ageless lines. The ecoprint technique we used means to make prints on natural materials using the leaves and petals of trees, bushes, and flowers. These plant parts color and decorate the prepared textile as a result of cooking or steaming.

All pieces of the collection can be pre-ordered, and the preparation takes a maximum of three-four weeks. We will agree on the desired size and color mood in a preliminary letter, and we will create it for you!

The clothes were designed by Judit Simon (Ditta Felt) and Júlia Líbor (Retrock, Donna Terra). The tulip and earrings the craftsmanship praises the work of Martina Bellovicz.
Fotó, styling – Líbor Júlia
Model: Dencsi Adrienn, Rozgics-Kis Anita
Makeup: Petra Kis
Payment conditions
Kalotaszegi mellény 100% kézzel készült nemez mellény, kalotaszegi mintákkal. A Donna Dúla fotózáson, olyan Hölgyeknek szerettem volna figyelmet adni, akik életük egy szeletét annak szentelik, hogy más nőtársaikat támasztják. Várandós kísérőként, szüléskísérőként vagy a gyermekágyas időszakot dúlaként. A kedves dúlák között van hajadon, 2, 3, 4, 4 gyermekes Édesanya is. Számomra nagyon inspirárló, ők hány alkalommal állhatnak az élet kapujában. Ezt az erőt szerettem volna a mély jelenlétükkel a képekre vinni. Aranyasszonyainkra azt mondták, az élet dúlái. Olyan modernkori dúlákat kerestem, akik megihletnek életükkel, kisugárzásukkal. Véletlenszerűen pl. jurtában való létükkel, tiszta élő ételekkel való kapcsolatukkal, vagy a legjóságosabb fénnyel a szemükben. Szerettem volna, hogy most ők rajtuk legyen a figyelem, mert mindig ők tartanak másokat. Legyen példa előttünk ez a minőség. Váltsa fel a nőtársak közti rosszindulatot ez a puha figyelem. A tervezési folyamat kapcsán olyan időtlen darabokat készítettünk, mely a legkülönbözőbb női alakon is jól mutatnak. Az ecoprint, azaz növényekkel mintázás technikája során főzés vagy párolás hatására a növények közvetlenül színezik és mintázzák meg az előkészített textilt. Maga a munkafolyamat is olyan volt, mint egy csendélet, a virágok szórása, komponálása, a növények elhelyezése minden ruha esetében más és más. Majd a festés és nyomhagyás már egy másik, lassú történet és a várakozás, az  ezt körüllengő illatok adják a keretet.
All pieces of the collection can be pre-ordered, and the preparation takes a maximum of three-four weeks. We will agree on the desired size and color mood in a preliminary letter, and we will create it for you!
The clothes were designed by Judit Simon (Ditta Felt) and Júlia Líbor (Retrock, Donna Terra). The tulip and earrings the craftsmanship praises the work of Martina Bellovicz.
Photo, styling - Júlia Líbor
Model: Dencsi Adrienn, Rozgics-Kis Anita
Makeup: Petra Kis
Above HUF 20,000, your purchase will be delivered to your home for free.

Kalotaszeg vest

100% handmade felt vest with Kalotaszeg patterns.

At the Donna Dúla photo shoot, I wanted to pay attention to ladies who dedicate a part of their lives to supporting their fellow women - whether as a companion to a pregnant woman, birth attendant or doula during the maternity period.

Among the lovely doulas there are unmarried mothers with 2, 3, 4, 5 children. For me, it is very inspiring how many times they can stand at the gate of life. I wanted to bring this power and deep presence to the photos.

Our golden ladies were called the doulas of life. I was looking for modern-day doulas who inspire me with their life and radiance. Randomly, for example with their presence in a yurt, their relationship with pure raw food, or for the kindest light in their eyes. For once I wanted the attention to be on them, because they are the ones who always hold others. Let this quality be an example for us. Let there be soft attention between women instead of malice.

During the designing process, we created timeless pieces that complement each woman's wonderful shapes with their ageless lines. The ecoprint technique we used means to make prints on natural materials using the leaves and petals of trees, bushes, and flowers. These plant parts color and decorate the prepared textile as a result of cooking or steaming.

All pieces of the collection can be pre-ordered, and the preparation takes a maximum of three-four weeks. We will agree on the desired size and color mood in a preliminary letter, and we will create it for you!

The clothes were designed by Judit Simon (Ditta Felt) and Júlia Líbor (Retrock, Donna Terra). The tulip and earrings the craftsmanship praises the work of Martina Bellovicz.
Fotó, styling – Líbor Júlia
Model: Dencsi Adrienn, Rozgics-Kis Anita
Makeup: Petra Kis
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