Tilanna medál – 14 K aranyozott

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🌷 TILANNA Tulip Talisman with shungite 🌷

A T hang…

🌷 Preserving the name of our Golden Lady Tilanna..(854 B.C.)

A terhesség egy régi szavunkból, a tere(h)-ből ered, teremtés szavunk kezdője is. Ahogy halljuk most ezt a szót: Tere …
Ladies, if you feel like it, let's sit down for a while with our legs crossed. We can open our forearms in two opposite directions, slightly raised, as if embracing the air, and finally open our palms to the sky. We now have the shape of a tulip - the shape of ourselves.
The space (tér) of the word..which has space. Teresség (Spaciousness). Space. Whichever angle I look from, our womb is a gateway between worlds.

I felt like I wanted to cleanse the wombs with this thought. That we do have space! We are capable of everything! Let's believe in ourselves! We are the inexhaustible inspiration of our folk art, our body is a real temple in the image of a tulip. A suggestion...let's try to embrace the purest thoughts and consume the purest food worthy of us throughout our lives, let’s aim for it.
(The similarity of our Hungarian words ‘étel’ (food) and ‘élet’ (life) also shows how important this is.)

🌷 Our ancestors used the tulip to indicate the sound T. Our folk art depicts the stages of a woman's life with the different shapes of the tulip. I wanted to give this analogy a pendant and give a meaning to it, by using the pattern from an embroidery of the old world.

The tulip on the pendant is the image of a blessed tulip, symbolizing a childbearing woman. And the womb part received the elite shungite raw mineraloid.

The middle petal of the tulip, for example, is often the same as the "us" (ancestor) sign of the Székely script. This symbol represents the gap in the Milky Way, in which the Sun rises at Christmas (ancient variants for the word Christmas-karácsony: Kerecseny, Karacsun, Gurusuny holiday). It also represents the vulva of the Mother goddess; but in the period of ancient religion it also symbolized the Sun God being born.
The two outer petals of the tulip are identical to the "nt/tn" (Ten) sign of the Székely script. Together, the two symbols form the word Isten - God (the ancient Ten), thereby confirming once again the fact, also recognized by János Nagy Berze, that the Hungarian people identify the sky-high tree or tree of life (i.e. the Milky Way, climbing the ladder, the rungs symbolizing the questions of existence) with God. That is why I wanted to place between its innermost petals a mineraloid with which I have a deep connection - it is versatile and perhaps one of the most exciting mineraloids on this planet. It is also very rare.



🧬 Turning dirt into heaven is our job. Shungite helps us with this process. In the flow of soft love.

🧬 I brought you a mineraloid that I've been using for 7 years and I admire it. I really want to learn more from it.. Its vibrational state is superior to that of most known crystals or mineraloids.
With its sphere, I energize the water, and with its powder, I increase the area of the vegetable garden when planting. (50 g/sqm) When worn around the neck, it protects against uninfluenced earth radiations, cleans the aura, and neutralizes electrosmog. In addition, I protect the house and the farm with it in its raw form. This mineraloid is a miracle. Its vibration fills all 7 color ranges of the rainbow.

🧬A sungit molekulaformája “fullerén” 60 db szénatom alkot 12 ötszögből és 20 hatszögből gömbformát. Az egyetlen ilyen anyag a Földön. (a grafithoz hasonlít talán a legjobban) 2 milliárd éves. A fullerének a csillagközi térben keletkeznek a szén-alapú csillagok közelében. Ezt a mértani formát jelenleg az ember nem képes értelmezni és magyarázni. Sokkal több a kérdés vele kapcsolatban, mint amit a tudomány meg tudna válaszolni.

🧬 Exciting facts about shungite:

– a vízzel való viszonya
– a fizikai testet gyógyítja
– az éter és lélektestet is gyógyítja magunkon hordva
– a környezetünket az ártó sugárzásoktól megtisztítja

Its physical and quantum virtues benefit life. Another unique feature is that it does not overcharge, does not require cleaning, it is self-cleaning.

🧬 Minden elektromágneses teret, káros ipari, földsugárzást képes harmonizálni, átalakítja mint egy “fekete lyuk”. Miközben leföldeli a test energetikai erőforrásait, összehangolja a fizikai, lelki és mentáltestet. Alvás közben ne viseljük.

🧬 Electrosmog has increased by 20 billion times over the past 20 years! (Cancer researcher Dominique Belpomme) Shungite protects us like a shield, worn above our thymus gland near the heart. (It is recommended that everyone turn off their electronic devices and unplug them from the socket during the evening.)

Donna Terra
timeless talismans
The Donna Terra brand was born in the heart of Julia Líbor, artistic director of Retrock. Involving guest creators, she shapes the brand, which celebrates the raw, yet soft feminine power, giving confidence to the wearer.
These jewels are made in honor of our old Hungarian Golden Ladies, and bear their names. We know close to nothing about them, they are not mentioned in the history books, even though we wouldn’t be here without them. While our men were in battle, they were the ones who organized and carried out every task imaginable. They raised our children, harvested the crops, performed military duties, and healed each other at the highest level. It is a volatile veil, an invisible work they had carried out, yet a very strong intellectual, spiritual, and physical fort held in the background.
Én úgy látom a világot, hogy az átlagostól eltérő “vonásainkat”, akár bájként is meg lehet élni, attól függ milyen szemüvegen keresztül szemléljük magunkat, ezért kapnak az ékszerek felvállalt rusztikus felületet, mert szeretem a hibákat. A sajátjaimat is.
I know the archaic theme is "non-trendy" to process, so I tried to touch it with the purest heart. Just like in case of my everyday responsibilities, I try to approach this exemplary female quality with good attitude and spirit. I still have a lot to learn. If this topic intrigues you, come and join me on the road.
The primary material of the jewelry is yellow brass, which is dipped in 14 K gold using the electroplating technique.
Elkészítésük a kifizetéstől számított 20 napon belül készülnek. Az ékszee papir dobozkában lévő tálkákat a kislányommal készítettük, szerettem volna visszaadni ezt az “ásatási” hangulatot.
Please avoid contact with water.
Viseld egészséggel!
A vásárlástól számított két éven belül vállalunk garanciát az esetleges törésre vonatkoztatottan.
Az új alkalommal való aranyozás 3500+ áfa Ft-ba kerül, mellyel a julia@donnaterra.hu-ra tudsz üzenetet küldeni.

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