Buja medál – 14K aranyozott – smaragd
Above HUF 20,000, your purchase will be delivered to your home for free. (only in Hungary)
🧶 BUJA medál smaragddal
i.sz. 304. Buja Aranyasszonyról kapta nevét
💦 The sacred washing of the peasantry
Washboards were the washing tools of peasant life.
It is the inspiration I used to create my Buhója (luscious) pendant.
Buja szintén a “hivatalosnak” mondott történelemből törölt Aranyasszony volt. Ezen asszonyok neveinek hangzása adja az ihletet és összeházasítom engem foglalkoztató népi témával, és ékszerré gyúródik.
💦 What is a washboard?
One of the functions: In the creeks and rivers, the peasant women used washboards to remove the dirt from the clothes.
Másik funkciója volt, nem kertelek…súlykoltál élő vízzel a ruhákba a szakrális jeleket. Ha hímes (díszített) volt egy súlykoló. Persze nem biztos, hogy sokaknál ez tudatos volt, de hozták, mint örökséget.
More specifically, clothes were not only cleaned, but also energized with this procedure.
I think this mystery surrounding the clothes is a miracle..
The Hungarian word hím (male) is also part of our word hímes tojás (Easter egg). Which refers to HÍM POR (old Hungarian name), i.e. sperm. Embroideries (hímzés) and decorated objects (hímes tárgy) carry signs of creation and fertility. The word male itself is a proof of the deeper meaning.
The handle of the washboard was often the shape of a phallus, carrying a spell of fertility.
The lads carved it to their lovers as the SIGN of their love. 💦
The Hungarian peasants did not merely bring fragments of memories from the past, rather, they brought a whole system of motifs, a system of coherent signs and symbols, thus inheriting their archaic worldview.
The cosmic forces of the universe, the Sun,
the Moon, the stars appear on these objects as well as
the waves of the water and the wind, the budding, sprouting, branching, blossoming tendril motifs of the luscious (BUJA) life.
The innumerable versions of the plant leaves which often form hearts, various fruits, animal and human stylizations
as they transition into each other, flow into each other.
💦 Practicality, aesthetics, sacredness were inseparably together in peasant objects.
In an organic culture, everyday objects helped to create sacred space, time, and environment
for people.
Van egy tervem hogy hozzuk vissza “modern” köntösben ezt a szokást.
source: own thoughts, Gábor Lükő, Balassa-Ortutay, Olivér Hárs
Az új alkalommal való aranyozás 3500+áfa Ft-ba kerül, mellyel a julia@donnaterra.hu-ra tudsz üzenetet küldeni.
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