We collect the pieces from the 50s’ to the 90s’, from the ages when material was really put into everything.
Az upcycling munkafolyamat során a már feleslegessé vált anyagok nem hulladékként végzik, hanem megmentjük őket, újragondoljuk és egy új termék formájába öntjük
Anyone who has ever fallen into the rabbit hole of the vintage clothes knows the value of us having a good number of Japanese and American pieces.
In our mind, fashion is entertaining, what we wear is a real self-expression and a vote from our world. That is why we also try to draw attention to sustainability with our clothing. Don't stack! Don't harm our environment! Instead of fast fashion, choose vintage, used or designer pieces! You will never have to meet with it on the street as there is only one of it and it is yours and its story continues with you!
We encourage our customers to dare to experiment…Fall in love with the world of these patterns and materials, because why to live otherwise than with passion?
From the dress’ energetic side, we recommend washing it with two drops of pure lavender or wild orange oil due to the space of the previous owner. That’s the real conscious dressing!